Asaju Toye
3 min readJan 19, 2022

Miracle of digestion: a natural evidence for an all inclusiveness

The eminent scientist, Deepak Chopra gave the phrase, "miracle of digestion" an amplified meaning.

Digestion, a physiological process that affords living creatures the opportunity of utilizing the nutrients contained in food substances, is not just a one stop process. It is a component within the whole gamut of interconnected processes which begins with 'ingestion' and ends with 'assimilation'. Digestion is the link between the two. It is glaring that the three stages are needed, in a natural setting, for the nutrition of the organism to be perfected.

The miracle in digestion, essentially, is felt more at the point of assimilation. It is a miracle in the sense that, for example, a loaf of bread, or a piece of corn, is ingested, digested assimilated, and is converted to muscle tissues as exemplified by physical growth in the consuming organism.

Elementary concept of "matter" connotes that matter is indestructible, but only transformable from one state to another. Obviously, this law is being perfectly obeyed in the conversion of the ingested matter into tissues, flesh or bone. A matter, otherwise called food, of plant or animal origin, is converted to relevant matter, tissue', in the body of a completely different organism. This exactly is the miracle.

The law concerning the state of matter is explicit enough by declaring the indestructibility of matter and that matter can exist in interchangeable states of solid, liquid or gas.

Sadhguru, the yogi describes human body as a wonderful machine which converts mango into flesh. A simple glimpse as to the possibility of this miracle was provided by the chemical science which offers that matter is made up of elements. At digestion, the matter is broken into its simplest compounds like amino acid, fatty acid and glucose. Biochemical investigations reveal much similarities in the elements contained in these products of digestion and the compounds that make up the tissues in the body of the organisms.

Science has proven the connectedness of every matter. But at the social level we are faced with the evil of discrimination and lack of inclusiveness. Lack of this simple understanding that at the level of matter we are all connected has informed our attitude to other organisms other than ourselves (cruelty to plants and animals), our disregard for the soil and environment, which we readily pollute and mismanage. Of greater concern is our non inclusiveness at the realm of politics and government. Seeing other humans of different nationalities or parties as not belonging serve as the ready recipe for misgovernance in nations, and war among nations.

Creator has placed the binding thread that links every matter to each other. Every matter, be it plant or animal, or mineral, share common elemental composition. This fact, fundamentally shows the similarness of every matter. Backed with this understanding, human to human, human to plants and other non human creatures, and human to the environment relationships need not be that of discrimination or of superiority. It should be that of empathy, goodwill and inclusiveness

Asaju Toye
Asaju Toye

Written by Asaju Toye

excited by nature, and full of goodwill to mankind

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